Before you begin

On the next page you will be able to register for a bureau microsite and the ability to log applications on behalf of your clients.

Please see below the aspects of auto enrolment you must provide for your clients (denoted by *).

Set up Employer details in Microsite*

Whenever a client selects to use your services during the application process, you will receive e-mail notifications that the client’s details have been added to your bureau microsite. You will need to check that the company details are correct and set up the payroll calendar.

Perform AE Assessment*

Assessment of the workforce will be completed outside of NOW: Pensions. Generally, this will be completed within the payroll software.

Perform Upload of ER Data to Microsite*

We require a file of employee data to be uploaded for each pay period, for each payroll, which you will undertake on behalf of each client.

Update Payroll to Reflect Opt-ins and Opt-outs*

Automatically enrolled employees can opt out of the pension scheme, either via their member access site or by providing NOW: Pensions with a completed opt out form. Alternatively, non-eligible and entitled workers can select to opt in to the pension scheme. It is necessary to reflect these selections in the employers’ payroll, so we provide you with an output file which should be downloaded at least once every pay period and payroll updated accordingly.

Perform AE Communications

Tick the appropriate box to indicate whether you would like to perform AE Communications for all the clients that are included on your microsite, or whether you want NOW: Pensions to provide statutory AE communications. If you would like to offer both options, we can set up a microsite with communications and one without. Please contact one of our Business Development Associates on 0330 10 03 336 to discuss this latter option.

NOW: Pensions has a good technical infrastructure combined with a pension product suitable for our team. We couldn’t be happier with NOW: Pensions.
Martin Woods,